
Syntax: append document, member whichCastmember [, ... , autoAppend ]

append document, member whichCastmember of castLib whichLib [, ... , autoAppend ]

append document, castLib whichCast [, ... , autoAppend ]

append document, sprite whichSprite [, ... , autoAppend ]

append document, string [, ... , autoAppend ]

append document, list [, ... , autoAppend ]

The append command appends one or more items to the current "frame" of a document object. If no current frame exists in your document, the PrintOMatic Xtra will attempt to create a "default" frame for you, which is the width and height of the page, minus the current margins.

The autoAppend parameter, which is always the last parameter in a call to append, controls whether or not new pages will be created "on the fly" if the PrintOMatic Xtra runs out of space on the last "frame" in your document. If this parameter is set to TRUE, new pages will be created with the same "frame" layout as the last page of your document. PrintOMatic will create as many new pages as are necessary to flow all the specified elements into your document . If this parameter is not specified when you call append, its value defaults to TRUE.

AutoAppending is not allowed when flowing items into a frame on the master page of a document.

type of object          what gets appended

text field cast member  the text of the field, using the 
                        specified fonts and styles

rich text cast member   the bitmap image of the cast member,
                        including anti-aliasing

bitmap cast member      the cast member graphic

PICT cast member        the cast member graphic

cast library            all printable cast members in the 
                        library, in cast sequence

sprite                  the cast member of the sprite

text string             the text string, in the default font 
                       (Geneva 10pt on Macintosh, 
                        Arial 10pt on Windows)

list                    the elements in the list


The following example creates a PrintOMatic document, sets the document name, creates the first page, adds a frame to it, and appends a number of items to the document, and prints it:

set doc = new(xtra "PrintOMatic")
if not objectP(doc) then exit
setDocumentName doc, "My Example Document"
newPage doc
newFrame doc, Rect(0,0,getPageWidth(doc),getPageHeight(doc)
append doc, sprite 1, TRUE
append doc, [member "image", member "caption", sprite 5], TRUE
append doc, castLib "printout", TRUE
if doJobSetup(doc) then print doc
set doc = 0